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While I was visiting my son and daughter-in-law, they decided to have a baby shower for her, and rather than buy a card, I wrote a letter to my grand-daughter. She is due to bless us in November. Enjoy.

Dear Ava:

Allow me to formally introduce myself to you, my precious girl. I am your Nana, and you have no idea how long I have waited for you. To say that I am excited to meet you, and build a wonderful relationship with you would be an extreme understatement. I think, deep down every mother wants to have a little girl of her own, and as I didn’t, I had to wait, ever so patiently for your Daddy to grow up, so he could meet your Mommy, and we could have you.

Your Uncle Dan and your Daddy have always been my biggest accomplishments, and I love them with all my heart, but there is something entirely different and magical about having grandbabies. Your cousins Brody and Paxton, are going to love you to death little girl. I am overwhelmed just now thinking about how it will feel when I hold you in my arms for the first time. I just know you are going to be perfect. You have little chance of anything else, look how handsome your Daddy is, and how beautiful your Mommy is. You come from some pretty amazing genes!

I know that we aren’t going to see each other lots, but I promise, as you grow, and throughout your life, I will always be there for you. I will carry you in my heart, every second of every day, my angel, and I will love you unconditionally, no matter how many mistakes we all make. Of course there will be mistakes, and scraped knees, and broken hearts along the way, but know that I am always a phone call away. We will have so many special times, you and I. Nana/Ava time won’t be based on quantity, baby girl, but quality. We will make all our minutes together special enough to carry us through to the next visit. Someone very wise told me that people we see less frequently are often the ones we feel especially close to, and I am counting on making that a fact.

You are a very lucky little lady, Ava. You have such a huge circle of family who love you, adore you, and want everything this world can offer you. And, believe me when I say, we will protect you when you need it, and let you soar to great heights, on your own, but with a huge safety net for when you stumble. Your life will be filled with adventure, fun, laughter, but above all, the greatest love.

I am truly honoured and blessed, to finally have a little girl, who will grow up quickly, and call me Nana. It is the sweetest word ever, spoken from little lips, and also one quite easy to learn, I have found! Nanana follows closely behind mummum and dada, and I will be joyous when I hear you say that for the very first time. The sweetest music I know…..

Love Always, in All Ways
Your adoring,

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