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I am so excited about Christmas this year, and it is entirely the fault of my youngest grandson. Until just a few days ago, I was spending a great deal of time with an pretty incredible little man, and I am seeing the holiday beauty, feelings and meaning, through the eyes, and wonderment of a child, for the first time in years.

Last year was a pretty sad and lonely “festive” season. Neither of my children came home, and with the death of a family member resulting in a quick trip back to the Maritimes, I barely put up a tree, never played Christmas music, didn’t do baking, or cooking. I really didn’t do anything that I normally do to try and get into the season. I have always loved Christmas, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of the glitz and tinsel and trimmings, had really started to dull for me. Two years ago, when my son and his family were here, it was a lot of fun getting cookies made with my grandson, for Santa, and it was much warmer than it had been in years, but I think this year is going to be entirely different.

This year, we have a young man who is amazed by all things “Kissmiss”. The lights, dazzle him. The trees, delight him. Santa Claus, mesmerizes him. His excitement is infectious, and beautiful to watch. His little face lights up every time he goes into his room and sees his “baby one Kissmiss tree”, I bought for him. This little boy, who is barely just two and a half, sat with me for three hours and watched The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, it total awe of all the sights and sounds of Christmas.

As hard as it was to even want to put up my tree last year, this year I can not wait to get it up, so I can see the expression that will be on his face when he sees it. Taking him to see Santa this past weekend, was so reminiscent of the amazement I saw on my own children’s faces when they talked to Woody, the talking Christmas tree, all those many many years ago. We were a little fearful that he would back out of actually sitting on the big guy’s lap, but he did marvelously. We had talked all week about going to “Shee Shanta”, as he says it, and he was so excited, but when Santa approached, he looked a wee bit apprehensive. However, when it was his turn, he hopped up there, sat for his picture, and got his candy cane and activity book, like the big boy he has become.

I am also very excited to see how he will do Christmas morning, after shouting at the television every time he sees some toy he loves, to watch him, and hear him, when he finds a few of them under the tree. I am wondering if he will be the kid who tears into one after the other with barely pause to see what it is, or will he be the one who stops to play with every toy, and you have to convince him there is more. Either way, his joy, will definitely be shared by all of us who are privileged enough to share in it. Thank goodness for video cameras, because I am sure there will be memories we all want to relive, and share with family members who won’t be here.

My older grandson, loves Christmas as well, of course, but he is not as expressive as the younger one. He is a bit more reserved in his expression, and that’s totally alright too, but it is impossible not to be infected by the excitement of a child in total wonderment of the entire Christmas experience. I know the reason for the season isn’t lights and toys and candy, but it is about love and joy, and that is overflowing this year, in my heart. I anticipate having the same excited shakes I got every year as a child, and as a young parent with small kids, waiting for the OK to go see the goodies. I can hardly wait to watch him when he sees that Santa drank his milk, nibbled his cookies, and fed his reindeer the carrots, he and his brother will leave out. I feel like I haven’t felt in a very long, long time, counting the days till they come back, so we can experience this season together.

I will, of course, be sad that I won’t be seeing my new granddaughter, or her parents, or my parents, over the holidays. It is always so hard living at opposite ends of the largest country in the World, from the people we love, and this time of year it is especially heart-wrenching. It never gets any easier, missing them and yearning for the old traditions, of years ago, however, new traditions are forming, and hearts that are connected, are never entirely apart. There is always the hope that next year we will all be together. A mother never stops hoping she will have all her children with her, but being the mother of boys, who married girls, with families of their own, it is always challenging to arrange. It is good to know, should it ever happen, I DO have all the fancy china to sit everyone in style!

So, as we all get wrapped up in the craziness and hectic schedules, of the next few weeks, this is my wish for you all. Health, happiness, love and gifts, not of the material kind, but of the personal, emotional and family kind. Take the time to tell the people in your lives that you love them and appreciate them. Fill your homes and hearts with positive people, and positive experiences. Try and see the amazement and wonderment of this holiday season through the eyes and expressions of the littlest folks we share our existence with. Peace and love, always….and Ho Ho Ho!

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