I spent a few hours last night, working on changes to my site, here…..OK, let’s just be honest now, I spent a few hours watching as my fabulous web designer worked on my site, but my point I was heading towards, is that I decided I need to be more diligent in updating my posts. I truly get a lot of enjoyment, fulfilment, and a great sense of satisfaction out of hitting publish, when I have spent time pouring out my heart in one of these forums. I need to do it much more often. I can write on just about any topic, as I have an opinion on just about every topic, so why not just do it?! OK, fine, I have talked myself totally into it, now someone just remember to remind me if I slack off a bit. Someone…anyone…just poke me or something!
Topic of the day: Employment. That’s a biggie in my life right now. I have spent the last, ten or twelve years, in some sort of management role. I love being the boss, in a lot of ways, and in a lot of aspects of my personal life too, if truth be told. Shocker for those of you who know me, I know! I love people. I love when they can learn, and grow from me. I love how easy it usually is to gain their trust, support and loyalty. And, I love how they usually end up working for me, not necessary the company I am hired by. I have a lot of friends, who were at one point, employed by me, and I think that speaks volumes for the quality of manager I am.
I want to be completely honest here, so I am about to say something out loud, I may never have officially admitted to before. I may not be the greatest manager when it comes to holding people accountable, and/or being tough enough to get the job done. There, it’s out. I always end up being exhausted as a manager, trying to see that everything gets done, while maybe forgetting to delegate where I probably need to. I am a people person, as you might be able to attest to already. I like when people like me. I don’t necessarily live my life caring about what people think of me, or changing who I am to suit others’ needs, but I do like to be liked. I manage with my heart, and sometimes, that comes at the expense of the “Numbers”. I honestly believe, if you care about the people who work for you, they will work harder for you, then if you make life unnecessarily difficult for them. I have also, always been the type of manager who believes in walking the walking. I have never asked an employee to do anything I can’t do myself, no matter what it is. I often tell the tale of how I overcame some of my fear of heights. I have been afraid of heights since climbing a church tower in Switzerland as a twelve year old. I couldn’t step on the second wrung of a ladder without my knees shaking, and feeling like I was going to throw up. While working in a particular store, we had very high ceilings and lightbulbs that constantly needed changing. I avoided that task myself, until one day an employee said to me that I didn’t HAVE to do it because I was management, and could make them do it! Well, that didn’t sit well with me, and I changed the damn lightbulbs…on a twelve foot ladder, just to prove that, even management has to do some things they don’t like to do.
So, I managed a team of 55 telemarketers, a staff of anywhere from 8-25 as a store manager, and, most recently, a staff of sales reps, ranging from 5-15, I would say. And, I was constantly in a state of stress. When things were good, I felt I could breathe, temporarily, but invariably, things beyond my control would creep in, and I would go from taking three steps forward to taking four steps back. In every situation, as a manager, when I felt too much stress, I jumped back into my comfort zone, and selling. I am a good salesperson because I just love to talk, and I can get passionate about something if I believe in it. I have been seeling since Girl Guide cookies, in some form or another. I get quite a rush out of the people who originally tell me no, and I convince them to step over to my side, and open their wallest! I have never lied to make a sale, and I don’t believe a true salesperson ever has to. I am not aggressive, I am assertive. I am not pushy, I am persuasive. I have an answer for just about everything, and sometimes they are just silly enough to get a laugh, or make someone stop for just an extra second or two, to listen to what I have to say.
Why am I telling you all this, you might ask? About a month ago, my stress level was through the roof in my newest management role. I wasn’t sleeping, barely eating, and never really having a day off, as no matter how hard I tried to interview, hire and train new people, the numbers were just not coming in. I was doing 10-12 hours days, splitting them between managing and selling. I was quite seriously, looking to move on. There is no amount of money, or benefits, worth jeopardizing your health, and I was certainly doing just that. People were starting to worry about me, and I will apologize to them right here, right now. I sometimes forget how much stock people can put in a heavy facebook status! So, when the big boss suggested we switch my role, I told him I was willing to try anything, and just grateful not to be given my walking papers. I was presented a couple of options, but my final decision did not need to be made right away. They put me back into a sales role, temporarily, if I choose. I switched from a program where I could do between two and three sales an hour, to one I am now doing six to seven an hour! Woo, way less rejection there! The customer base is entirely different, and much softer. I am working approximately 17-25 hours a week, still making my same salary, minus my car and cellphone allowance. My sanity, my health, and my morale is worth tons more than $525 a month! And, I am only responsible for my own numbers, not everyone’s. That is huge! I never thought I could be happy, being in position with no real authority, but Baby, I am loving it!!!! I make my own schedule. I get to work in the store nearest my grandsons, once every few weeks. I work around hair appointments, nail appointments, and trips away. I don’t have to worry about texts or phone calls on the weekends. Don’t get me wrong, I have built some great relationships with a couple of the girls who worked for me, and I will always be a support for them, by phone or otherwise, but it is on an entirely different level, I really enjoy. I really don’t think I want to go back to managing anyone but me, at least not till this stops being fun again! I am really having fun with this, and it feels good. I don’t know if it will stay fun, years down the road, but it is giving me the freedom to explore whatever options I choose to, between now and then. To say I am enormously relieved would be a grave understatement, but it will suffice until I come up with something better….maybe next post!