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Phew…nice to see this place hasn’t changed since I was here last!  It feels like I have be away from this keyboard for far too long.  My intention is to rectify that situation right this very minute, or rather minutes, because, once I get started, sometimes I just resemble that rabbit and his drum!  I do tend to ramble, on occasion, but who is going to stop me, on my own website?

Here’s an easily proven fact, most of you will be aware of, I spend a lot of time in social media settings.  Shocker!  I happen to have both twitter and facebook loaded behind this window, as we speak, so to speak.  I will readily admit that I am a bit nosey, and I love to know what’s going on, who’s doing what, or whom, and other important, entirely relevant, and highly mind-numbing stuff.  I was addicted to the games for quite a while, but have found myself beginning to tire of them, realized just how much time I have wasted, over the past few years, and have decided to wean myself away from them.  I thought it was going to be a tough thing for me, but oddly, not so much!      OK, so I will continue to play one game, as I think that Words With Friends really does keep my mind sharp and my spelling skills honed, unlike writing, with a computer program doing it for me.

One thing that I am acutely aware of, because of the exposure to these sites, is the size and scope of the world.  I have “friends” from everywhere, every walk of life, every colour, religion, sexual orientation, profession etc. etc. etc., on my list.  Although I will likely never meet the majority of them, it doesn’t mean that they are unimportant or irrelevant, in my day to day life. In fact, I would say it is the exact opposite of that.  I feel truly invested and grateful, for a lot of people, I would never have had the opportunity to interact with, were it not for the internet.   When my net goes down, I am very stressed that I will miss something, that someone will “need” me, and I won’t be there for them, for whatever reason.  Some more than others, of course, and if you are one of the ones I consider myself close to, you know who you are, in likely, no uncertain terms.  That’s just how I do things.  People are important to me, above all else, and I let them know that.  It’s a point of principle for me.  Life is too short to get hung up on the negatives, and people in our lives need to be lifted up, as often and as high as we can manage.  No one is in the world alone, especially if they are part of my life.

Because I have such a vast and varied array of friends, I have had exposure to some people I greatly admire.  When I was in school, so many years back now, I had two very strong interests.  I was not into sports, individual or team.  I probably wasn’t very good at them, truth be told.  I still have a policy of never running.  I have always used the excuse that there is nothing out there I am afraid enough of, to run from, but believe me, if someone was trying to hurt someone I care about, I’d break that rule!  My passions were (ARE?) writing, and acting.  I won awards for both.  I didn’t win anything major, but I think I have always had a flare for the creative.  I can’t draw a stick figure, but I can sure spin a tale about him that will make you love or hate him, and I could pretend to be him, so well you’d forget I wasn’t.  Any time I have ever had to answer the question, what would I do if I could be anything in the world, it has never been a nuclear chemist who finds the cure for cancer, or the person who solves world hunger, you may laugh when I say it but, I would love to be the next great Erica Kane!  Soap Opera Diva!  The bitchiest, scheming, home-wrecking, everyone loves to hate character, would be my dream job!  Might be shallow, but hey, it’s a dream and all mine!  I also know that I could do it.  I think, being a salesperson, I am always playing a part.  I can tell at the end of the day, when I turn myself to OFF, and turn down the bubbles and the energy and the..blah blah blah, whatever it is that I do.  It can be exhausting, but how awesome would it be to have people everywhere you go, know your name! Cindy Lee….I have already decided when I get famous I am just going with that.

The fact that I have actual actors on my friend’s list, boggles my mind.  The fact that I have three who have invited me to see new productions they are in, in the next week or so, is incredible.  I actually got a personal invite from one, in an email today, and she said she invited me because she knows how much I support theatre.  How important do I sound?  Oh, by the way, there will likely be a post about these shows.  The last time I wrote about a play I saw, one of the aforementioned actors took it upon himself to share it with the entire cast and crew.  I am just saying.  I was thrilled, to say the least.

Now my writing passion, will probably never make me any money (OK, so the acting thing likely won’t either) but at least I have this venue to play with that.  And I have “real” writers as friends, and this excites me.  Would I ever have been able to say that, even a couple of years ago, not a chance.  Did I ever dream I would have my name in the acknowledgements of ANY author’s book, let alone more than one, no way!  Every time a writer appreciates something I have said about their work, or likes a review, or asks me to read their book, BEFORE it comes out, I am thrilled and I wonder…wait for it….How Did I Get So Lucky?  I would really like them to know how honoured I feel and how much I appreciate, that they value my opinion, and ask for my help.  Honestly, if I can’t do it myself, being allowed the opportunity to be part of the process, is truly an amazing feeling.  I have often, when asked if I will write I book, responded that I really don’t have the patience it would take to do that.  I like instant gratification, which is why I write here, where people can leave their feedback right away.  BUT, boy can I read a book fast, and pick out spelling, punctuation and grammar errors, and I am glad to do it.  I never admit to being competitive by nature, but if I am the first one to get ANYTHING, I rub my little hands together in total glee!  Keep that in mind if you happen to be a writer.

So, it isn’t just the writers and actors I know, that I admire, just so no one feels left out.  I have a great deal of admiration for anyone who does a great job, at whatever they chose to do with their lives, and I support each and every one, in their right and choice.  I know I am not in a profession that gives me  a great deal of personal satisfaction, and, at some point I will need to change that.  If you find yourself in that same situation, as I am sure a lot of people do, just don’t ever give up on your dreams.  There is a time and place for every one and everything.  Even though my soap opera dream isn’t likely to ever materialize, I do know I haven’t done what I am meant to do just yet, and I am going to keep on looking.  Thanks for tagging along with me!

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